My self-help books
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Professional books and book chapters
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My self-help books

Free Yourself from Emetophobia: A CBT Self-Help Guide for a Fear of Vomiting
Alexander Keyes & David Veale (2021)
Jessica Kingsley
I am excited to co-author with Ally Keyes our self help book on emetophobia. It is based on our protocol for treating emetophobia in a controlled trial and has therefore demonstrated effectiveness.

Free Yourself from death anxiety: A CBT self-help guide to a fear of death
Rachel Menzies & David Veale (2021)
Jessica Kingsley
I have teamed up with the leading psychologist in death anxiety, Rachel Menzies to write a self-help book on this neglected area. It should be available late 2021 or early 2022.

Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
David Veale & Rob Willson (2021)
2nd Edition. Little Brown, London.
Our second edition is now published, and an audiobook version. It is completely revised from our original best-selling book in 2005. We provide in this book a CBT approach to overcoming OCD. We explain how readers can reduce the distress of intrusive thoughts, face fears and avoided situations, and overcome compulsions. It contains many tips from our years of experience in treating OCD.
Audiobook from Audible

Overcoming health anxiety
Rob Willson & David Veale (2022)
2nd Edition. Little Brown, London
Our second edition is now available. Many of us have a tendency to worry unnecessarily about our health. For some the anxiety becomes chronic, and they may spend many hours checking for symptoms, seeking reassurance from others, Googling for symptoms about different diseases, or repeatedly visiting the doctor. It is distressing for them and for everyone around them. Health anxiety can be successfully treated with cognitive behaviour therapy. Using a structured, step-by-step approach we explain how the problem develops, how to recognize what feeds it and how to develop effective methods of dealing with it. The book includes the questionnaires, case studies and tools for overcoming health anxiety.
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Overcoming body image problems (including body dysmorphic disorder)
David Veale, Rob Willson, & Alex Clark (2009)
Little Brown
Many people suffer from a negative body self-image but, for some, this can turn into a more serious preoccupation. About two per cent of the population will develop Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), a condition characterised by severe preoccupation with a perceived physical defect. Body image problems can cause significant distress and can be associated with additional problems such as anxiety, eating disorders and social anxiety. Body image problems can be successfully treated with cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and our book provides the tools.

Manage Your Mood
David Veale & Rob Willson (2007)
Little Brown
Behavioural Activation, a therapy which is part of CBT, is an effective approach for depression and ideally suited to self-help. By analysing, challenging and changing ways of coping such as avoidance and ruminating, a sufferer can gradually strengthen their positive experiences and decrease the behaviour which maintains depression. This book provides the tools and includes approaches such as improving exercise, nutrition and sleep. It includes an explanation of depression and case studies.
Books written for health professionals

Body Dysmorphic Disorder: a treatment manual
Veale, D, Neziroglu, F, Wiley, Chichester.
This a comprehensive overview of BDD and is the treatment manual that was used in our randomised controlled trial of CBT v Anxiety management.
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Book chapters written for health professionals

Assessing Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Suendermann, O, Veale, D. (2023)
In: Oxford Handbook of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders. Tolin, D.F. (Editor)

Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Baldock E, Veale D, (2019)
In: The Cambridge Handbook of Anxiety and Related Disorders. Olantunjii, B.O (editor).
Cambridge University Press, USA
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Atypical Eating Disorders and a Phobia of vomiting (2018)
Keyes, A., Veale, D. (2018)
In: Clinical Handbook of Complex and atypical eating disorders by Anderson, L.K, Murray, S.B, Kaye, W.H. (Eds.).
Oxford University Press, USA
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Challenges in Assessing and Treating Patients with Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Recommended Approaches
Veale, D, Phillips, K.A, Nezirogolu, F. (2017)
In: Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Advances in Research and Clinical Practice. Phillips, K.A (editor).
Oxford University Press, USA
Health professionals face many challenges when working with people with BDD. We discuss some of the common challenges from lack of insight, poor motivation, suicidality, co-morbidity and some of the possible solutions to helping individuals with BDD to test out an alternative understanding of the problem.
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The self as an aesthetic Object: a model of cognitive processing in Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Baldock E, Veale D, (2017)
In: Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Advances in Research and Clinical Practice. Phillips, K.A (editor).
Oxford University Press, USA
In this chapter we describe a cognitive-behavioural model of BDD. We review the evidence for the model and focus on concept of the self as an aesthetic object. We then discuss the implications for the treatment of BDD.
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Body Image and related disorders
Miles, S, Read, J., Wylie, K.R., Veale, D. (2013)
In: The EFS and ESSM Syllabus of Clinical Sexology. Editors: Kirana, P.S, Tripodi, M.F, Reisman, Y, Porst, H.
Medix Publishers, Amsterdam. pp. 1086-1127
ISBN: 978-94-91487-10-1

Body Dysmorphic Disorder of the skin
Baldock, E, Veale, D. (2013)
In: Practical Psychodermatology ed. A. Bewley.
Wiley, Chichester
ISBN: 978-1-118-56068-6
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Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Veale, D (2008)
In: Oxford Handbook of Anxiety and Related Disorders, (Social Cognition and Social Neurosciences eds M. M. Antony, M.B. Stein)
Oxford University Press, USA
Chapter 41 p541-550. ISBN: 978-0195307030
This chapter reviews comorbidity, demographics, risk factors, and the role of cosmetic procedures in Body Dysmorphic Disorder. A cognitive behavioural model is described and the therapy outlined. The chapter also describes the use of pharmacotherapy and treatment guidelines.
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Treating OCD in people with poor insight and over-valued ideation
Veale, D (2007)
In: Psychological Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Fundamentals and Beyond. Eds M. M. Antony, C. Purdon, L. Summerfeldt)
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association
p267-480. ISBN: 978-1-59147-484-5
In this chapter, I discuss a model for understanding overvalued ideas and poor insight in obsessive compulsive disorder and the clinical implications of such a model . The presence of an OVI often requires a therapist to sail in uncharted water and may be a frustrating or challenging experience.
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Psychiatric evaluation for cosmetic procedures
Veale, D (2007)
In: Handbook of Liaison Psychiatry (ed G. Lloyd)
Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 978-0-521-82637-2
Psychiatrists and psychologists are sometimes asked to evaluate suitability for a cosmetic procedure. In this chapter, I attempt to guide the reader through the minefield of cosmetic surgery and when caution may be required.
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Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Disorders
Veale, D (2003)
In: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Theory, Research and Treatment. (eds R.G Menzies & P. De Silva)
Wiley: Chichester, pp 221-236.
Are you a “splitter” or a “lumper”? Do you like to conceptualise psychiatric problems into yet smaller distinct categories or do you like to lump them together in a broad spectrum. In this chapter, I provide an overview of the concept of obsessive compulsive spectrum disorders. I describe some of the concerns and highlight one disorder on the spectrum, namely body dysmorphic disorder.

Shame in Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Veale, D (2002)
In: Body Shame – Conceptualisation, Research and Treatment (eds P. Gilbert & J. Miles)
John Wiley: Chichester. pp.267-282.
This chapter describes the definition of BDD, its general features and psychopathology. It then explores a cognitive behavioural conceptualisation of BDD. A cognitive behavioural conceptualisation of BDD are described including the difference between internal and external shame. Many of the areas and themes have implication for body shame difficulties in general.
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Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Veale, D (2002)
In: Disorders of Body Image. (eds D.J Castle, & K.A Phillips)
Wrightson Biomedical Publishing Ltd: Petersfield, England, pp.121-138.
This chapter describes a cognitive behavioural model of BDD, describing the cognitive processes and behaviours that maintain the disorder. Specific examples are given of cognitive and behavioural strategies that can be in the treatment of BDD.
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A Cognitive Behavioral Approach to Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Sündermann, O., & Veale, D. (2022).
In G. Todd & R. Branch (Eds.), Evidence-Based Treatment for Anxiety Disorders and Depression: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Compendium (pp. 295-315). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108355605.018
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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Sündermann, O., & Veale, D. (2022). In G. Todd & R. Branch (Eds.), Evidence-Based Treatment for Anxiety Disorders and Depression: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Compendium (pp. 197-221). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108355605.014
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